Discuss and create ideas for improving the practice of internal medicine in Tanzania
Network with fellow Physicians
Grow in your career by connecting with the right people. Build your ideas by discussing with people who think alike. Open up opportunities using the platform aphyta provides.
Journal of Physicians of Tanzania
This will be the official journal of the association. We aim to publish in addition to the journal, books, website, newsletter and the like with the intention of educating the members and other members of the medical profession.
Welcome to the
Association of Physicians of Tanzania
An enviable health service served by respected, knowledgeable, health professionals.
To enjoy the member exclusive opportunites of this association, you may join by filling up this form
Who can be a member? |
Participate in Continuous Professional
Development activities
Throughout the year, aphyta will organize a number of CMEs with CPD points at a reduced or even free price for members of the Association of Physicians of Tanzania. Activities include didactive courses, presentations, symposias and scientific conferences.
- We are a voluntary autonomous organization and shall attempt to fulfill our objectives in the best interest of our members and the medical profession in Tanzania.
the aims and objectives